KDD Cup|Humanities Track Tutorial Q-Learning

Date Created: May 20, 2019

KDD Cup|Humanities Track Tutorial Q-Learning

This Tutorial builds on the previous tutorial to demonstrate a baseline implementation of a standard Reinforcement Learning (RL) Algorithm


$S \in \{1,2,3,4,5\}$


$A_S = [a_{\mathrm{ITN}}, a_{\mathrm{IRS}}]$ where $a_{\mathrm{ITN}} \in [0,1]$ and $a_{\mathrm{IRS}}\in [0,1]$


$R_\pi \in (-\infty, \infty)$


In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import random

!pip3 install git+https://github.com/slremy/netsapi --user --upgrade

from netsapi.challenge import *

Learning a Value Function Based on $\epsilon$-greedy action selection

This common resource was used as a reference for the implementation presented here: https://kofzor.github.io/Learning_Value_Functions/. Please refer to the blog and this Tutorial in tandem. The code below uses the first example from the blog with the Challenge Environment (as opposed to Gym).

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env = ChallengeSeqDecEnvironment()

Q = defaultdict(lambda : 0.) # Q-function
n = defaultdict(lambda : 1.) # number of visits

def actionSpace(resolution):
    x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,1+resolution,resolution), np.arange(0,1+resolution,resolution))
    xy = np.concatenate((x.reshape(-1,1), y.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
    return xy.round(2).tolist()

epsilon = 0.1
gamma = 0.9
action_resolution = 0.2
episode_number = 3 #for submission this is fixed as 20

actions = actionSpace(action_resolution)
actionspace = range(len(actions)-1)
greedy_action = lambda s : max(actionspace, key=lambda a : Q[(s,a)])
max_q = lambda sp : max([Q[(sp,a)] for a in actionspace])

#Training of Q Table
for _ in range(episode_number):
    nextstate = env.state
    while True:
        state = nextstate

        # Epsilon-Greedy
        if epsilon > random.random() :
            action = random.choice(actionspace)
        else :
            action = greedy_action(state)

        env_action = actions[action] #convert to ITN/IRS
        print('env_action', env_action)
        nextstate, reward, done, _ = env.evaluateAction(env_action)

        # Q-learning
        if done :
            Q[(state,action)] = Q[(state,action)] + 1./n[(state,action)] * ( reward - Q[(state,action)] )
        else :
            Q[(state,action)] = Q[(state,action)] + 1./n[(state,action)] * ( reward + gamma * max_q(nextstate) - Q[(state,action)] )

#Greedy Policy Learnt from Q Table
best_policy = {state: list(actions[greedy_action(state-1)]) for state in range(1,6)}
best_reward = env.evaluatePolicy(best_policy)
print(best_policy, best_reward)

Creating a Valid Submission from Agent Code:

In [ ]:
class Q_Agent():
    def __init__(self, environment):
        self.env = environment
        self.epsilon = 0.1
        self.gamma = 0.9
        self.action_resolution = 0.2
        self.Q = defaultdict(lambda : 0.) # Q-function
        self.n = defaultdict(lambda : 1.) # number of visits
        self.actions = actionSpace(self.action_resolution)
        self.actionspace = range(len(self.actions)-1)
    def actionSpace(self):
        x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,1+self.action_resolution,self.action_resolution), np.arange(0,1+self.action_resolution,self.action_resolution))
        xy = np.concatenate((x.reshape(-1,1), y.reshape(-1,1)), axis=1)
        return xy.round(2).tolist()

    def train(self):
        Q = self.Q
        n = self.n
        actions = self.actions
        actionspace = self.actionspace

        greedy_action = lambda s : max(actionspace, key=lambda a : Q[(s,a)])
        max_q = lambda sp : max([Q[(sp,a)] for a in actionspace])

        for _ in range(20): #Do not change
            nextstate = self.env.state
            while True:
                state = nextstate

                # Epsilon-Greedy Action Selection
                if epsilon > random.random() :
                    action = random.choice(actionspace)
                else :
                    action = greedy_action(state)

                env_action = actions[action]#convert to ITN/IRS
                print('env_action', env_action)
                nextstate, reward, done, _ = self.env.evaluateAction(env_action)

                # Q-learning
                if done :
                    Q[(state,action)] = Q[(state,action)] + 1./n[(state,action)] * ( reward - Q[(state,action)] )
                else :
                    Q[(state,action)] = Q[(state,action)] + 1./n[(state,action)] * ( reward + gamma * max_q(nextstate) - Q[(state,action)] )

        return Q

    def generate(self):
        best_policy = None
        best_reward = -float('Inf')
        Q_trained = self.train()
        greedy_eval = lambda s : max(actionspace, key=lambda a : Q_trained[(s,a)])
        best_policy = {state: list(actions[greedy_eval(state-1)]) for state in range(1,6)}
        best_reward = self.env.evaluatePolicy(best_policy)
        print(best_policy, best_reward)
        return best_policy, best_reward

Run the EvaluateChallengeSubmission Method with your Agent Class

In [ ]:
EvaluateChallengeSubmission(ChallengeSeqDecEnvironment, Q_Agent, "Q_submission.csv")

There is now the opportunity to explore other such similar RL approaches, hyperparameter tuning or different action selection strategies for this family of approaches to the problem!

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